Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Soldiers are Professionals

I used to teach soldiers. I taught writing classes at the local Army base. One summer, I also taught at an Air Force base.

Everybody was very involved in their studies. I had some excellent writers in the class. About half were spouses of military. I really enjoyed the work.

I think of this now because our military is severely pressed into action and stretched beyond reasonable expectations. What does that do to the credibility of our armed forces?

The people back home clearly support the military, no matter how outlandish the Commander in Chief and his cronies get.

This is not the first time we have had a totally corrupt executive branch.

I hope everyone remembers that the Republican members of Congress and the Senate have backed this man without question. If they change their positions now, be aware: it is like a leopard changing his spots.

We have an election in November. Those who backed a corrupt President must take responsibility for their power -- and how they have squandered it.

We have respect for our military even if they do not.


Let's chew the fat. Speak to Fatspeak. Click on "comments" (not the envelope).


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