Sunday, July 24, 2005

Wondering about Bush Spin: Rove-gate, Prisoner Treatment, Abu Ghraib

In the upcoming week, I wonder if we can expect the following:

-- More comments from Rove's lawyer, explaining how it was reporters who told Rove, one of the highest placed officials in Washington, information about CIA operatives

-- An announcement of indictments -- or non-indictments -- from the special prosecutor in the leak case

-- A fight by McCain and others to insist on legislation that holds the U.S. responsible for proper treatment of detainees and other POWs

-- Outrage expressed over suppressed evidence of much more atrocious acts by guards at Abu Ghraib than were exposed last year


If you can offer any credence to rumors that there exist in the Darby evidence recordings of boys being sodomized at Abu Ghraib, please send it along.

To be honest, such acts are beyond the scope of my comprehension. If evidence does exist, I feel a vague and elusive understanding of why it might be best not revealed. I find myself, as a father, keenly frightened of what it would mean to admit that a 21st century civilization would even be capable of such atrocities.

I am brushing up against the authenticity of the cliche: Maybe we don't want to know.

Are the stories of our lives best understood by what we leave out?


Speak to Fatspeak. Comments link below.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Excellent column! The 12 hours of unaccountant for time -- I think these hours may turn out to be quite important as this story unravels.

9:35 PM  

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