Friday, July 15, 2005

Rove Recipient of Calmer Heads

I'm already nostalgic for the days when bloggers were screaming at the world to notice that Karl Rove had threatened national security by outing a secret agent. Now that everybody knows it -- and Republicans have already compiled their sleight-of-hand talking points to distract from the truth -- we are in the "calmer heads will prevail" period of looking at the story.

The Washington Post ran an editorial today that will quickly be selectively cannibalized by Republicans and run up flagpoles all over D.C. throughout the afternoon. The editorial goes a far way in discounting some of Joseph Wilson's credibility while at the same time retelling the simple truth that Karl Rove did, um, actually reveal the identity of a secret agent to a reporter. It is a sort of summary statement on the whole Karl-the-back-stabber affair that lands gently on the doorstep on Friday morning to assure us all that the weekend will survive the winds of Washington politics.

Of course, it is a very intelligent take on things, but it just lacks the energizing outrage of a good blogspeak.


Blogger August said...

I agree with Dietking's need to focus. In a way, if all voters are thinking about is that a political operative (Rove) outed an intelligence operative (Plame) then voters might forget that a commander-in-chief (Bush) sent our armed forces (our families and neighbors) to war to die for an idea (force ancient cultures to accept a foreign politcal system) that so far is not only not working, its implementation is killing 800 innocents a month.

In writing about Rove, I largely want to see his slimy techniques outed, condemned, and remembered.

8:29 AM  

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