Monday, July 18, 2005

Rove will Unravel -- Time to Move on to New Ideas

WHEN I REALIZED YESTERDAY HOW MUCH I WAS REPEATING MYSELF, I knew it was time to back off from SecretAgentgate, AKA Rove-out.

In fact, my daughter was sick with a stomach virus this weekend, and I had written a whole entry on that before I knee-jerked it back to Rove. Rove is good stuff. Rove seems souless and overly jolly. Rove got Bush into the White House. We like to imagine that Rove may suffer.

Problem is, he will not suffer -- not over a making an all-star political move. Just because he was caught two years later (two years, BTW, marks a successful stonewall), he will weep no tears over executing a political strategy that included outing a secret agent to help start a war under false pretenses and then riding the fear into a presidential re-election while the country reluctantly kept the commander-in-chief on board.

As fascinating as it is to speculate on Rove (truth be told, I'm addicted at this point), the horrors of the Bush administration go far beyond a single slimy act by a man who, apparently, contains multitudes -- of slimy acts (apologies Walt Whitman).

Hillary Rosen suggests a new direction in her posting today on HuffPost. She is recently back from vacation, and apparently the Rove burnout that some of us are feeling smacked her right in the face upon her return.

She suggests that we engage the country in thinking about our kids and what Bush is doing to them.

I say, excellent idea.


Addict's speculation: Maybe Ari Fleischer is more likely to be indicted than Scooter Libby. Scooter is Cheney's guy. Ari checked out and left it to Scottie -- which suggests that Ari was in trouble.


Stop me before I speculate again.


Tired of hearing the fat cats say we should leave no child behind (only to watch them kick them while they're down)?

Engage in Fatspeak. Let's chew the fat. Click on "comments" and post an idea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The question is -- balance what with what? The Bushies have us all out of whack.

10:44 PM  

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