Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Calling: But Will It Distract from Rove?

The explosions on public transit in London are part of a global tragedy. Well-organized groups continue to attack civilians, killing and injuring dozens. Our post-traumatic stress (read 9/11) nerves are activiated.

The explosions take attention away from an all-star line-up of current events: the G-8 meeting, spiking awareness of poverty in the African continent, Karl Rove's connection to an ongoing investigation of the illegal exposure of a CIA operative.

Of course this tragedy will distract us from Rove -- as it well should. The residents of Washington D.C. certainly are on alert. Our current Homeland Guy (who is it now?) has upped the color nationwide. London is calling and the world is watching.

What is valuable about blogs and reporters who keep their beats is the ability to stay focused and stay with a story. I am so glad that people will keep chewing the fat on Rove and others who are threatening are national security with policy that distances us from reality and follows ideology uninformed by practical politics.

Please keep chewing the fat: we want to know what you know.


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