Tuesday, July 12, 2005

McClellan Will Crack, Resign, or Both

Scott McClellan is taking such a beating from the press for claiming two years ago that Karl Rove "assured me [he was] not involved in this" that Mclellan will likely go to his superiors and beg that he be allowed to say something, anything, revelatory about this case. Out of fairness, Rove owes it to McClellan for setting him up.

It is unlikely, however, that Rove is thinking anything at all about fairness.

I would love it if McClellan suddenly went dramatic on us and told everybody what he knows. That also is unlikely.

If McClellan does have a conscience, he will resign, and then he will start to spill what he knows -- based on the advice of his lawyer.


Of course, the blogosphere has been aware of this story for weeks, and only now is the press checking in. It is, in any case, exciting to watch how the press folds itself into the information bloggers have been exchanging. The blog info is all there, ready for the media to take it out to the wider audience.


The drama of this even has my wife interested in the news again. As I revealed a few posts back, she has avoided news since 9/11. Our daughter was born shortly after that, and, at the time, the news just seemed like bringing poison into the house. Now that we are on the other side of the big run-up to war -- a plan well under way, with Rove's strategies driving the plan, long before 9/11 -- watching the follies of Rove finally come under fire is less like poison and more like reading the funny papers.

Heard any good jokes?

Let's chew the fat. Let me know what you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to be going over what some others have gone over. But i haven't seen the spec. about Mc. yet. can you say more about your family?

8:58 PM  

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