Friday, September 23, 2005

Response to Disaster: Emphasize Rise in Oil Prices

I know that we depend on oil. I know that Dick Cheney doesn't believe in conservation as a viable response to our need for oil.

I also know that even though it is logical for oil prices to go up when there is a disruption in the transportation and production of oil -- as was brought about by Katrina and now again by Rita -- the oil companies are extracting huge profits from these conditions. In fact, the trials of the oil industry are central to concerns in the business world.

Since Bush leads a faith-based, Texas-based Presidency, one can't help but associate the concerns of the oil industry with the concerns of Bush and his cronies.

So what are we to make of the obssession with how disaster affects oil? Why don't we talk about global warming, endangered water supplies, the development and man-made destruction of barrier islands, and social infrastructures that ignore poor people?

It is cliche to say that Iraq is about oil. Why is Katrina about oil? Why is Rita about oil? How many ways does the focus on oil help us understand what is so perverted about this Presidency?

Chew the fat; speak out.


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