Saturday, September 03, 2005

Mismanagement from the Business Model Prez

Many, many people have been trying to point out problems to George Bush. He truly seems unable to understand.
I remember when Bush and his supporters stressed how efficient and effective government would be using a business model. In the course of this presidency, we have seen how such models work in the business world (Enron, etc.).

In the political world, with the leadership in the Iraq war and now the leadership of the response to Katrina, we see how such a business approach really works. You starve your social programs and your emergency response in order to feed to the exciting aggression of expansion (beefing up pro-business policies, colonizing Iraq). When reality sets in and problems start to make the veneer of success crack, the response to these difficulties exposes the incredible incompetence of those in charge.

Yes, Iraq is a quagmire comparable to Vietnam.

Yes, NOLA is underwater and American citizens are dying in the streets.

True character is illustrated by the decisions an individual makes in a time of crisis. Perhaps now everyone will see how destructive this man and his policies are for our nation.

Let's chew the fat; speak out.


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