Monday, October 24, 2005

Bush a Bully? Nawhhhh!

The friendly smile from the podium. The aw-shucks gallop of the Texan stride. The willingness to shake hands with govenors of states he rarely gives much thought.

The president has always been a man of his people-friends.

Imagine our shock when it was reported in the Daily News that he has been tearing new ones around the WH on a regular basis. What has become of his humble and easy going ways between two-hour work outs on the elliptical?

Bush usually reserves his celebrated temper for senior aides because he knows they can take it. Lately, however, some junior staffers have also faced the boss' wrath.

"This is not some manager at McDonald's chewing out the help," said a source with close ties to the White House when told about these outbursts. "This is the President of the United States, and it's not a pleasant sight."
Is it healthy for a leader to take out his frustrations on the staff that We American Taxpayers (WAT) depend upon? How shameful to belittle the people who perform the nitty gritty tasks required to keep us safe and secure in home, work, and school.

What did Clinton do with his staff?

I am shocked, shocked, to hear that Bush is a bully. The people of France, Germany, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Britain are shocked as well.

Bush does not deal with his troubles by running over people.

Or does he? What scales must tumble from mine eyes? George? Cruel to the little man?

Please cheweth the fat; speaketh out.


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