Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Students Graduate as Bush Rushes to Crush Science

In vetoing stem cell research legislation, Bush again is asserting his disregard for valid scientific research and education. The start of summer signals a time when students across the nation have graduated from schools that teach the value of science and the scientific method. They have learned why scientists use the process to assure the value of their experimentation and document their results. Scientists need federal support to continue exploring uses of healthy stem cells and how they might treat disease and damage in adult cells. Students need to know that vital scientific research is supported at all levels of government.

Blocking federal support of research is an education issue. Just as the Bush administration has tried to ignore scientists in regard to the hazards of toxic mineral extraction, global warming, and the need for green and sustainable technologies, it continues to block valid research into advances in the health sciences. Federal support allows researchers to proceed free of privately funded commercial interests. Bush's veto of this legislation is another blow to vital education and research.

Chew the fat; speak out.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Bush to Obscure Baker Report with Body Counts

In a further effort to take our attention off of some common sense from Baker and Hamilton and the Iraq commission's report, Bush will now start releasing body counts of insurgents killed by American troops. The rush to return to the mistakes of the Vietnam era -- that is to commit those mistakes over and over -- is one of the hallmarks of this administration's strategies. Chew the fat: speak out.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Baker Blackout

So Bush senior and friends gather the buddies for an intervention on W. They give advice, some good, some okay. W continues to go about his way. What will it take to make the news sink in? Tell me: What does W need to make him actually listen to good advice and take action? Chew the fat: speak out.

Monday, September 04, 2006

End of Summer

All you students, all you teachers, all you who seek education, it is time to go back to the salt mines and pick axe your way toward ideas. Sure, it is the end of something, the end of sleep and sun, but you will exercise your high capacity for imagination and intelligence. What's more, you'll be among a community of people who are potentially exploring in a similar way. Have fun out there. Chew the fat; speak out.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Global Swarming

It is hot in your town. You are considering going to the pool at the park in that neighborhood you never go to. You have not gone to that pool since your friend contracted ringworm. Now you must. Because it is warm.

It is warm because the earth is warm. It is not a conspiracy by Al Gore to prove himself right. While he may, in fact, have such power -- anyone who has spent that much time in Washington must -- he would not mobilize it for such a petty display of I told you so.

I told you so means never having to say I told you so.

Scooter "Mumble Mumble" Libby learned this. Don "Baghdad Betty" Rumsfeld never learned this. Karl "Karl Rove" Rove learned this early -- junior high bathroom. George "Dry Drunk" Bush never learned this. Dick "What's a Hal-I-Bur-ton?" Cheney learned this. David "I Go to U2 Concerts with Bush Insiders" Brooks never learned this.

Baghdad Tehran Beirut Jerusalem Roadside Bombs Long Range Missles War Without Nations Global Swarming Combat Chew FatSpeak Out.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Longest Day

So, one question: If not politics, then what? If the personal is the political, is the personal the professional? Summer -- the season, not the girl in paisley conceived at a JamFest '87 -- asks you to think about it.

Friday, February 24, 2006

No Entering or Leaving Baghdad: Ah Democracy!

Now that Baghdad is in lock-down mode, the whole city is a prison. As I recall, placing restrictions on mobility is among the clearest markers of dictatorship. Which enforcers will be undertaking such a huge task as sealing the borders of a city?

When will the whole thing blow? Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets.

Chew the fat; speak out.